Specialized Training Programs, Conferences, and Workshops

Data Analysis Training Institute of Connecticut (DATIC)
DATIC, founded in 2003 by David A. Kenny, offers professional development summer workshops in a variety of modern data analytic techniques. All workshops are geared toward researchers who wish to utilize these techniques in their own work. The maximum enrollment for all DATIC week-long workshops is 24 students, which allows for personal contact with the instructors and a great deal of hands-on learning. Although all workshops are introductory, they do assume familiarity with traditional statistical techniques such as multiple regression, as well as familiarity with a general purpose statistical software package, such as SPSS, SAS, R, Stata, etc.  To view this year’s workshops, go to www.datic.uconn.edu
DATIC Website →

Modern Modeling Methods (M3) Conference
The Modern Modeling Methods (M3) conference is an interdisciplinary conference designed to showcase the latest modeling methods and to present research related to these methodologies.
Modern Modeling Methods Conference Website →